Posts in Self
6 Reasons Your Appearance Matters in the Workplace and Why You Should Care

If you show up looking like you don't care about your personal appearance, how are your peers and team leaders supposed to know you care about your work, the project under deadline, your clients, or position? Here are 6 reasons why your appearance matters at work and why you should start to care. Because those around you already do.

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The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It

We as humans have the tendency to covet what we don't have. It's in our DNA somehow. And if it isn't in our DNA, it is certainly a hideous learned behavior. This "grass is greener on the other side" notion is remarkably toxic. It ruins marriages, professional relationships, finances, families. Envy, or the reactions caused by envy, ranks up there with hurricanes, tsunamis, and wild fires as one of the most destructive forces of nature.

And like most natural disasters, you can't prevent the covetous feelings. But you can take steps to prepare for it.

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